Cub Day

Date: 1st March 2025 Location:

Cub and Brownie Activity Day

Saturday 1st March

Calling all Cubs and Brownies!

Join us at Kibblestone Activity Centre for an action-packed Activity Day designed just for you.

Enjoy a mixture of fun and adventurous activities tailored to spark teamwork and creativity. A perfect day for cubs and brownies ready for adventure and new skills!

£20.00 Per child – Leaders Free.


What you need to know

This is a day activity, with check-in at 9.30 and activities running from 10.00 to 15.30.

It is suitable for Cubs and is a good opportunity to involve Beavers who may be linking to their new pack. It is open to Brownies.

The day will include 5 activity sessions with time between for refreshments and snacks.

You will need to bring a packed lunch and water bottles (water is available). Squash and hot drinks are available throughout the day. The site Shop will also be open at times during the day.

Cubs should be in groups with a maximum of 6.

Cubs should wear clothes suitable for outdoor activities including strong footwear (open toes or flip flops should not be worn). Please dress appropriately for the weather (keep warm and dry).

See our General Information for Attending Events at Kibblestone. For this event you must ensure you have adequate leader support for your group. This means there must be at least one adult or helper to eight Cubs in your party, plus the leader in charge. You must obtain the normal approval for an activity away from your normal meeting place and you must complete your own Risk Assessment for your party taking into account the special circumstances of your group (eg additional needs, transport arrangements).

Please take care when arriving and leaving Kibblestone – the car park can be a very busy place.

Remember: Leaders (including young leaders and adult helpers) come for free and beverages will be available all day.

£5.00 per child deposit required at time of booking payment by card or bank transfer.

To book email


General Information for Attending Events at Kibblestone

You must ensure you have adequate leader support for your group. (see POR b & c).

You must obtain the normal approval from your District Lead Volunteer (or whatever your local arrangements are) for an activity away from your normal meeting place (see POR

You must complete Nights Away Notification if you are staying overnight (see POR 9.2).

If taking part in shooting activities you must have specific parental authority (see POR

We will complete Risk Assessments for all the activities we run. You must complete your own Risk Assessment for your party for your visit to Kibblestone, taking into account the special circumstances of your group (eg additional needs, transport arrangements) and any activities you organise (eg wide games). Remember that your Risk Assessments must consider “free time” too.

Please take care when arriving and leaving Kibblestone – the car park can be a very busy place. Ensure young people are escorted to/from a place of safety where there is leader supervision and do not assemble where cars are moving.